Photoshop Trial!

Wee. Okay, I am still a newbie of Photoshop. So dont expect too much. It's just a basic tutorial that I currently following. hihi.

Okay the first picture is si Boyfriend. Since he's obsessed with his BMW 3series atu, I made him one photo as you can see, (kalau nda nampak, baik tah pakai kacamata/ tambah degree kaca mata. LOL. jk). I love it cause its kinda easy just to cut and paste his photo to the background picture. Plus, it matches! :D

The second one, gambar siapa kan tu ah. LOL. This one changing of background and yes, spot the DIFFERENCE! malas ku betau. :D

Last but not least, ani susah sikit ni gambar si dayangku ani. I took half of the day to 'pimp' her photo. Since her photo I extracted from her facebook without her consent (jgn marah) and the photo pixel or quality nya urg is pretty low, so there goes the reason why it's a little bit hard to fix the photo. Anyway, what I did was applying abit of MAKE-UPS to her since the original photo looks PALE but yet PRETTY, awu lawaa nii, jgn kuatir. HAHA. so yeah, don't be mad for the experiment I made. haha. :P

I'll try to edit the others photos as well, insya Allah kalau aku rajin and free. Okie, till here then. Tc! :D


P/s: Click on the photo for a larger view. :)


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